How to feed your Sourdough starter prior baking

Hello foodies, Sorry i did not get a chance to post anything last week as i was sick. I received many questions about my sourdough bread making. such as How do you use your "Mother Starter" to make the bread? Having a good healthy Mother Starter is important and you must keep it alive. That will be my next video. if you want to know how i began here is my recipe and birth of my sourdough starter: Now you have a Mother starter ready you need to think ahead for "Bread-baking day". I generally bake on Saturday, but start the process on Thursday afternoon.  Yes, it does take a long time to make good bread. No hands on time that is easy just waiting patiently time. Let nature do the work for me. Let's say today is Thursday and it is time 4pm to prepare my starter for my bread. I will remove my mother starter from the fridge and show you exactly how i activate my Sourdough starter, also called "Levain" in French, for my bread-making. It does take less then 10 minutes.
Servings: 2 yield(s)
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 00 mins
Total Time: 10 mins
    This Starter amount is to make 2 loafs of 900 grams each.
  • 60 g Mother Starter
  • 30 g Bakers flour (Strong flour (11-14%) gluten content)
  • 30 g Water (Boiled or demineralised )
    let's start your sourdough journey by activating your starter
  1. All you will need is a digital scale, a clean jar, a fork, rubber spatula, rubber ban, tissue and a marker pen. Pull out your Mother Starter of the fridge and if you have not yet done it, give it a name. Mine is called R.B.F because she is sour.
  2. Straight into the jar add your water (30g). Make sure to have boiled and cool down the water before. Optimum temperature for yeast development or growth is 30 to 36c. water over 55c will kill your yeast. Be aware. Water under 20c will take longer for yeast activation and growth.
  3. Add the flour (30g) to the water. I use bakers flour for it. It is the flour i use for my bread making this week. You could use rye flour, wholemeal flour and others.
  4. Place the jar on your digital scale and push the button "TARE". this will bring the number to "0". Make sure you do that.
  5. Add your Mother starter (60g) to the jar.
  6. With the help of a fork, mix well and break down the lumps.
  7. Using a rubber spatula, clean or clear the side of the jar.
  8. Fold the tissue on top of the jar and secure it with a rubber band.
  9. Voila, your dough starter is ready. Let nature do the rest. Place it in a warm environment for the natural yeast to develop and grow (we call that fermentation). Without realising you have just become a scientist in your own kitchen.
  10. Tip: mark the side of your jar to see the growth of your starter.
Recipe Notes

Fact: French scientist "Louis Pasteur" discovered that yeast could be used in the process of fermentation and was able to extract it in 1857.