Showing 119 Result(s)

How to make a Mornay sauce

This recipe is about the Mornay sauce. This sauce is a “Derivative sauce” of the bechamel sauce. This recipe is a classic. Christmas is arriving soon in 5 days from now and i have been urge to put a mornay sauce recipe on as many of you are thinking of having Lobster with mornay sauce for your Christmas celebration.

How to make a Bechamel sauce-One of the 5 French mother sauce

This recipe is about the Bechamel sauce (White sauce), one of the 5 French mother sauce (Bechamel, veloute, espagnol, hollandaise and tomato). Why is it so called “Mother Sauce”? 

Because from it you can create a “Derivative sauce” by adding other ingredients. Such as adding egg yolks and Cheese and you have the famous “Mornay sauce” (my next recipe). Or, add chopped fresh parsley and you have a parsley sauce. Add, mustard and a little cream and you have a mustard sauce. This recipe is a classic. 

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