Hello Foodies,
This recipe is about the Mornay sauce. This sauce is a “Derivative sauce” of the bechamel sauce. This recipe is a classic. Christmas is arriving soon in 5 days from now and i have been urge to put a mornay sauce recipe on as many of you are thinking of having Lobster with mornay sauce for your Christmas celebration.
If you have not seen my Bechamel sauce recipe, here is the link:
How to make a Bechamel sauce-One of the 5 French mother sauce
Tip: you should always consider around 80 to 100 ml of sauce per person.
Lets get cooking
Bon Appetit,
The Bechamel (Mother sauce)
- Mornay sauce
We Start to make a Bechamel (white sauce)
You can keep the sauce in the fridge for 3 to 5 days or freeze it up to 3 months.
If you are using it for pies, i recommend cooling it down first to not melt your pastry.
For Vol au vent filling i recommend you use 100g of butter and 100g of flour for 1 liter of milk. It will make your suace a little thicker.
For your lobster, Put the sauce on the already baked lobster add a littl more cheese on the top of the sauce and grill in the oven until it is golden brown.