How to make a Toffee sauce in 5 minutes.

Make your own Toffee sauce in 5 minutes. The best recipe. Easy to make. This sauce goes very well with pudding, Apple pies, ice cream, pies anything you like to have it with 🙂

How to make Creme Anglaise-English custard

This recipe is a classic 101 of patisserie. All chefs and pastry chef must know how to make a pure, rich, vibrant “Crème Anglaise. It is often and by mistake called a custard. This has no form of starch in it and remain of a pouring viscosity has it is a sauce.

La Teurgoule-Rice pudding Normandy style-You will die for more

La teurgoule is Normandy’s best kept secret. Only there you will find this dish and only in really old bakeries. It is the best rice pudding ever made. So good you just need to try and it only takes 10 minutes to prepare

Crepes Suzette-Flambed Grand Marnier

Crepes Suzette are a classical of French cooking and desserts. Even if you think it is an oldie, it is always a goodie… Check out my recipe and the legend behind it. I am sharing a modern version of this desserts flambed with Grand Marnier.

Palmier-Heart of France-Pig’s Ear-The Flaky French biscuit

this week recipe is about a classic biscuit. We call it the “Palmier” and it represents the palm leaves of the palm tree. It is also called the “Coeur de France” the heart of France. Others name it Pigs or elephant ears.

Lobster stock- A great base for sauces and soups

this week recipe is about going back to basics. Often people ask me how do I make such a good sauce or soup or even what is the secret to your risotto? The Key is always to make a good stock (Broth). But what is a stock? Imagine a tea bag, you place some herbs in a liquid to infuse for a certain amount of time. Well this is the same concept with bones or shells with some herbs and vegetables to extract a maximum of flavour. I have been a head sauce chef for few years and perfected the art of sauce. This week I am sharing my recipe for a great lobster stock.

French Toast “Pain Perdu” the lost bread…

This week recipe is about an old recipe and a very easy one: The French Toast or as we call it “Pain Perdu”. It does mean literally Lost Bread. try my recipe, you will love it

Meatballs with home made pasta and tomato sauce.

This meatballs and pasta recipe is nice, fast and easy yet delicious. This recipe will help you winning all the smiles at the table.

Carrot Cake- Lime cream cheese icing-Oz Style

Hello Foodies, this week recipe is about a Classic of baking here in Australia. The Carrot Cake with Cream cheese icing .. People love carrot cake.. At first i was thinking what the heck? A cake with Carrots ahahaha you must be joking.. but seeing people buying them like “hot cakes” i thought hmmm lets...

Rye Sourdough

Rye and wholemeal sourdough bread made from home. Nice and easy and you do not need a dutch oven or much equipment for it